Koshish Kamyabi Ki Kunji Hai

Book Name:Koshish Kamyabi Ki Kunji Hai

12.   Read a reforming book of Maktaba-tul-Madina for 12 minutes?

13.   Replied to Azaan and Iqamah?

14.   Cured your anger?

15.   Reflected upon your actions?

16.   Obeyed your Nigran?

17.   Conversed in a respectful manner?

18.   Studied or taught in Madrassa-tul-Madina Baalighan?

19.   Arrived home within two hours of Isha Jumu’ah?

20.   Spent two hours on religious works?

21.   Awoke others for Fajr Salah?

22.   Refrained from peering into others’ homes?

23.   Did home Dars take place?

24.   Delivered or listened to Masjid Dars?

25.   Wore clothes in accordance to Sunnah?

26.   Are you complying with the Sunnah of keeping tresses?

27.   Do you have a fist-length beard?

28.   Immediately repented upon committing a sin?

29.   Ate according to Sunnah?

30.   Gave Salam to Muslims?

31.   Acted upon some Sunnahs?