Koshish Kamyabi Ki Kunji Hai

Book Name:Koshish Kamyabi Ki Kunji Hai

It is unfortunate that today we only try to outdo each other in worldly matters. For example, if we see that another person has a nice house, nice clothes, a new car, or a successful business, we also desire the same. The love for worldly wealth has reached the extent that we are willing to endure all kinds of difficulties for it and never grow tired in striving to attain it.

Have we ever looked at another person performing good deeds and felt a desire to do good deeds as well? When seeing someone going to the masjid, have we ever felt like going to the masjid to offer our five daily prayers in congregation? After seeing a person with miswak, a beard on their face and an Ꜥimāmah on their head, have we felt like adopting these Sunnahs too? If we see an Islamic brother taking part in the weekly Sunnah-inspired gathering and Madani Muzakarah, do we also feel like making an effort in these activities? If only we would also develop a desire to become pious after witnessing other people engaged in righteous actions.

With the intention of increasing our passion for worship, let us listen to an account of a righteous personality.

Worshipping by night, fasting by day

Sayyidunā Ḥabīb al-Najjār رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه would worship in the night and fast during the day. He would distribute the food that would be brought to him at the time of iftar and spend the entire night hungry in worship. When the time of dawn would approach, he would very humbly supplicate to Allah Almighty, “I remained submerged in the seas of heedlessness and continued to walk through the fields of sin. O Allah Almighty! This lowly, sinful, and ailing slave of Yours is at Your generous door and seeks Your refuge.”[1]



[1] Al-Rawḍ al-Fāˈiq, p. 246, summarized