Book Name:Achy Amaal Ki Barkatein

Indeed, those who believed and did good deeds; it is they who are the best of the entire creation. Their reward with their Lord is gardens for dwelling, beneath which streams flow, in which they will abide forever and ever. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him; this (reward) is for the one who fears his Lord.[1]

Similarly, in juzˈ 11, Sūrah Yūnus, verse 9, Allah Almighty mentions:

اِنَّ الَّذِیْنَ اٰمَنُوْا وَ عَمِلُوا الصّٰلِحٰتِ یَہْدِیْہِمْ رَبُّہُمْ بِاِیْمَانِہِمْ ۚ تَجْرِیْ مِنْ تَحْتِہِمُ  الْاَنْہٰرُ  فِیْ  جَنّٰتِ  النَّعِیْمِ (۹)

Indeed, those who accepted faith and did good deeds, their Lord will guide them due to their faith; rivers will be flowing beneath them in the gardens of bounty.[2]

Dear Islamic brothers, reflect! What greater blessings could pious deeds have than for a person to attain excellent, permanent blessings of Paradise by means of them.

The intelligent person is the one who favours and strives for the perpetual bounties of Paradise over the short-lived delights of this world. Saving oneself from the love of the world and desire for wealth are very difficult, as is working to attain Paradise. However, if we keep our sight upon the blessings, bounties, and ease of the Hereafter, then striving for it becomes easier.

Understand this in the following way. If a £5 note is placed before a person and a bundle of £5,000 is placed next to it, and one is given the option of selecting either of them, then certainly, a person will favour taking the £5,000. In this way, the world and what it contains is the likeness of £5, whereas the blessings of Paradise are priceless; there is no possible comparison between the short-lived enjoyments of this world and the everlasting bounties of Paradise. For encouragement, let us hear about some delights of Paradise.

Delights of Paradise

If something of Paradise equal to a fingernail became apparent in this world, it would adorn the sky and earth.[3] The walls of Paradise are made of gold and silver bricks, and its mortar is from musk.[4] There are four rivers in Paradise: one of water, another of milk, a third of honey and a fourth of wine. Streams extend from them to the homes of every



[1] Al-Quran, part 30, Sūrah al-Bayyinah, verses 7-8; translation from Kanz al-ʿIrfān

[2] Al-Quran, part 11, Surah Yūnus, verse 9; translation from Kanz al-ʿIrfān

[3] Tirmidhī, vol. 4, p. 241, hadith 2,547

[4] MajmaꜤ al-Zawāˈid, vol. 10, p. 732, hadith 18642