Book Name:Jahannami Waadi Wail Ke Haqdar Kon?
In the first juzˈ of the Quran, Surah al-Baqarah, verse 24, Allah Almighty states:
فَاتَّقُوا النَّارَ الَّتِیْ وَقُوْدُھَا النَّاسُ وَ الْحِجَارَۃُ ۚۖ
then fear the Fire whose fuel is humans and stones.[1]
Dear Islamic brothers, in this blessed verse, the horrific nature of Hell has been described. The fire of Hell is so dreadful that its fuel is humans and stones. The fire in this world may heat stones, but it does not burn them; however, the fire of Hell is so alarming that it will even burn stones.[2] Furthermore, the verse explicitly commands people to be fearful of Hell and make every effort to avoid the deeds that lead to it.
It is mentioned in Bahār-e-SharīꜤat:
* Hell is the place where the wrath of Allah Almighty is manifested.
* The sparks of Hell will fly as high as lofty palaces.
* Humans and stones will be its fuel.
* The fire of this world is one part of the seventy parts of the fire of Hell.[3]
* The one who will suffer the least punishment in Hell will wear shoes of fire, and his brain will boil like a copper pot. He will think he is suffering the most severe torment; while in reality, his