Book Name:Parosi ki Ahmiyat

This is openly visible for all to see. But sadly, constructing this global village has led to us forgetting our neighbours. We have forgotten about those who live on our street or neighbourhood. Sometimes, we do not even know of what is happening to a neighbour who lives right next to us! This does not stop there. There are times in which people living under the same roof do not know of one another. Everyone is busy in their rooms, occupied in their own worlds.

What is happening in our homes? How is your mother? How is your father? People have no care in knowing these things. Heedless children find it hard to spend a few moments with their family, let alone asking them how they are or taking an interest in their lives. Everyone now is in their own world, chasing their own pursuits. This is the true outcome of the supposed global village.

Come towards the illuminated teachings of Islam! اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه! Islam is the pure religion which connects man to his fellow man. It unites the hearts. It is farḍ for men to offer the five daily salah, and it is wājib for them to do so in a masjid with the congregation.

As explained by scholars of Islam, one wisdom behind this is that it allows people of one locality to meet with one another constantly, as they all shall be in the masjid to offer salah together. They can ask about each other and offer help to those who are in need. The wealthy or well-off can help those in financial difficulty. Thus, the people of a street or area will spend their lives in unity.

This is the beautiful teaching of Islam, which connects man to his fellow man, and not to his mobile phone. It unites the hearts, increases love for one another and results in peaceful circumstances for all. For this reason, we must all turn our attention towards learning Islamic knowledge and acting upon our beautiful religion. We should take care of our neighbours, remember them, look after them, and stay in touch with one another.