Book Name:Parosi ki Ahmiyat

Attaining cure through the blessings of a pious neighbour

As explained by scholars of Islam, a particular man once lived in Basra with his physically impaired daughter. One of his neighbours was a wealthy person of righteous heart, who would host a gathering in his home every year on the night of ʿĀshūrā (10th Muḥarram).

Guests would gather in his home, recite the Quran and perform the dhikr of Allah. The host would then give food to attendees, as well as help the poor, widowed women and orphans. One day, the physically impaired daughter asked, “Dear father! Why does our neighbour invite people to his home on the same night every year?” The father replied, “My daughter, this is because it is the night of ʿĀshūrā, which has great significance in the sight of Allah. There are many excellences of this night.” The daughter was happy to hear this, and the importance of ʿĀshūrā was now planted in her heart.

Whilst everyone in her house had fallen asleep, she stayed awake until morning listening to the recitation of the Quran and dhikr of Allah coming from the neighbour’s home. When they finished reciting the Quran and raised their hands to make duʿā, she also raised hers. “O Allah!”, she beseeched, “For the sake of the sanctity and honour of this night and these pious people who remembered You throughout it, O Allah, grant me good health and remove my difficulties.”

اللہُ اَکْبَر! Duʿā is accepted when made with the wasila of pious people. Before she had even finished asking, the physically impaired girl had her difficulty removed, and she was able to immediately stand on her own two feet.[1]

O devotees of the Messenger! This incident teaches us the significance of ʿĀshūrā, and its night in particular. It also teaches us how the mercy and blessings of Allah descend upon those who spend this night in dhikr



[1] Hikayatein aur Naseehatein, p. 457