Book Name:Parosi ki Ahmiyat

Dear Islamic brothers! Another lesson we can learn from this hadith is that there are no specific times to send gifts to your neighbours. Usually, people send food to their neighbours on Eid and other auspicious occasions. Then for the rest of the year, they are not thought about. Gifts should be given on significant occasions, but this should continue during normal days too. This will increase the love between you and your neighbours اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه!

Rights of the neighbour

The Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم asked, “Do you know the rights of a neighbour?” He then declared:

   *If he seeks help from you, help him.

*   If he asks you for a loan, give this to him.

*   If he has a need, fulfil it.

*   If he falls ill, visit him.

*   If he passes away, participate in his funeral.

*   If he receives goodness, congratulate him.

*   If he faces difficulty, offer your condolences.

*   Do not build a home taller than his without his permission lest the airflow reaching him is reduced.

*   Do not trouble your neighbours.

*   If you purchase fruit, give some of it to your neighbour.

*   If you are unable to do this, conceal it from them. Do not allow your children to leave the house with said fruit, as your neighbour’s children will become upset by this.