Asmani Kitabon Mein Naat e Mustafa

Book Name:Asmani Kitabon Mein Naat e Mustafa

is Makkah, his city of migration is Ṭaybah, and his dominion will be in al-Shām. He is a special servant of Mine and is Mutawakkil (one who trusts in Me). He is Musṭafā (the chosen one), MarfūꜤ (one whose remembrance is raised), Ḥabīb (the beloved), Mutaḥabbab (the adored one), Mukhtār (one with authority). He will not respond to evil with evil, but will pardon. He will be merciful to the believers.

He will be of such gentle heart that seeing injured animals will cause him to shed tears and so too will the orphan in the lap of a widow. He will not be harsh. He will neither speak of evil things nor will he shout in the marketplace. He will walk in such a dignified manner that if he were to walk past close to a lamp, it would not go out. If he were to place his foot on dry grass, no sound would be heard. I will send him as a giver of glad tidings of Paradise and warner against Hell.

I will grant him a purified character. Dignity and tranquillity will be his apparel, virtue will be his way, piety will be his conscious, wisdom will be his speech, truthfulness and loyalty will be his nature, being forgiving and good will be his character, justice and fairness will be his way of life, truth will be his law, Islam will be his religion, and his name will be Aḥmad صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم.[1]

The sins of the first and last forgiven

Imam al-Bayhaqī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه narrates that Allah Almighty sent revelation to Prophet Dāwūd عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلاَم, saying: “O Dāwūd, soon a Prophet will come after you whose name is Aḥmad and Muhammad صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم. He is a truthful Prophet, and I will never become angry with him. He will never disobey Me, and for his sake, I will forgive the sins of his earlier ones and his later ones.”[2]

The qualities of his Ummah



[1] Dalāˈil al-Nubuwwah lī Abī NaꜤīm, pp. 35-36, hadith 32-33 selected

[2] Dalāˈil al-Nubuwwah lī al-Bayhaqī, vol. 1, p. 380