Qabar Kaise Roshan Ho

Book Name:Qabar Kaise Roshan Ho

So, he answers, “Muhammad صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم.”

Then, it is said to him, “What do you know about him?”

So, he says, “I recognised him and affirmed the book he brought.”

Then, his grave is expanded as far as one can see, and his soul is placed with the souls of the believers.[1]

سُبْحٰنَ اللہ! Dear Islamic brothers, you heard how there will be three questions in the grave. All of them are about creed. If we remain firm in our beliefs and ensure they are in accordance with the beliefs of the Prophetic Companions رَضِیَ اللهُ عَنْهُم, saints and scholars, اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه we will be successful in the test of the grave, and it will become a garden from the gardens of Paradise for us.

2. Recall the questions that will be asked in the grave

Dear Islamic brothers, the second thing that will illuminate your grave and save you from its punishment is to memorise the questions that will be asked therein and their answers. Repeat them often in this world so that they become second nature to you. اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه When the angels question us, we will be blessed by instinctively answering with what we memorised in this world.

Habitually recite these words

Sayyidunā ꜤAbdullāh b. ꜤUmar رَضِیَ اللهُ عَنْهُمَا narrates that the Prophetصَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم said, “As you will be questioned concerning these matters in the grave, habitually recite these words:



[1] Sharḥ al-Ṣudūr, p. 91