Naam e Muhammad Ki Barkat

Book Name:Naam e Muhammad Ki Barkat

33.   Did you offer tahajjud salah at night? If you did not sleep, did you offer ṣalāt al-layl?

34.   Did you offer the voluntary (nafl) prayers of ishrāq, chāsht, and awwābīn?

35.   Did you offer the preceding sunnahs of ꜤAṣr or ꜤIshāˈ?

36.   Did you encourage someone else to take part in at least one of Dawat-e-Islami’s 12 religious activities?

37.   Did you avoid asking someone to borrow something from them? (e.g. slippers, shawl, mobile, charger, car)

38.   Did you refrain from lying and engaging in backbiting and taletelling (including listening to these things)?

39.   Did you watch Madani Channel for some time?

40.   Did you refrain from forming personal friendships based on worldly gain?

41.   Despite being able to do so, did you delay paying a debt back in time without the permission of the lender? Did you give back something you borrowed to its owner within the time period you both agreed?

42.   Did you refrain from uttering words of humility in front of others despite not truly meaning them? For example, saying, “I am a nobody” to increase your respect in the sight of others whereas you do not truly believe yourself to be as such.

43.   Did you maintain cleanliness and tidiness?

44.   Upon learning of another Muslim’s flaw, did you conceal it from others (unless there was a religious reason not to)?

45.   Did you deliver or take part in a tafsīr study circle?