Qabar Kaise Roshan Ho

Book Name:Qabar Kaise Roshan Ho

Dear Islamic brothers, these seven short verses of the noble Quran beautifully describe our states and the reality of our lives. Today, there is strength in our arms, we are in a state of well-being, possess intellect, and hold positions. Whether a person is an engineer, doctor, businessman, prince, policeman or soldier, the question arises: what was every one’s beginning? A drop of liquid. Allah Almighty laid down the earth as a spread for us, raised the sky as a canopy, and prepared for us countless bounties even before we entered this world. Then, from a drop of liquid, He created a living, breathing human and sent him into this world. This is our reality and origin.

Now, will we abide here forever? No.

Allah Almighty states:

ثُمَّ  اَمَاتَہٗ  فَاَقۡبَرَہٗ (۲۱)

Then gave him death, then had him put in the grave.[1]

Soon, the Angel of Death عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلاَم will come, the soul will be extracted from the body and our loved ones will lower us into a dark grave and leave. Then, is that the end for us? No!

ثُمَّ  اِذَا شَآءَ  اَنۡشَرَہٗ

Then, when He willed, He resurrected him.[2]

A time will come when the graves will open, the dead will be resurrected and brought in the court of Allah Almighty, and the accountability of actions will take place.



[1] Kanz al-ꜤIrfān (translation of Quran) part 30, Sūrah al-ꜤAbasa, verse 21

[2] Kanz al-Irfān (translation of Quran) part 30, Sūrah al-Abasa, verse 22