Qabar Kaise Roshan Ho

Book Name:Qabar Kaise Roshan Ho

Dear Islamic brothers, this is the reality. Death hangs over our heads. The lonely pit of the grave and the terrifying plain of the Day of Judgement are before us. The Angel of Death عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلاَم is waiting for when a person’s lifespan will come to an end so that he can extract the soul. Sayyidunā Isrāfīl عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلاَم has the horn raised to his lips, awaiting the command to blow it to signal the onset of the Day of Judgement. What is our state in all of this? How are we living our lives? Allah Almighty states:

کَلَّا  لَمَّا یَقۡضِ مَاۤ  اَمَرَہٗ (۲۳)

Never! He (i.e. the disbeliever) has not yet completed what he was commanded (i.e. the acceptance of faith).[1]

We have been commanded to establish the five daily prayers, but we do not offer all of them. Out of the 12 months, we are obligated to fast for only one month, but we are unable to keep them. Payment of zakat amounting to just 2.5% has been obligated upon the fulfilment of certain conditions, but we fail to offer it. We have been commanded to perform hajj just once in our lifetimes if the conditions are found, yet we do not perform it.

We have been commanded to recite the noble Quran; recite litanies and ṣalawāt upon the Prophet in abundance; obey our parents; maintain ties of kinship; have good conduct with neighbours and relatives; control our gaze; restrain our tongue, hand and heart; weigh and measure honestly; earn lawful income; and consume halal food. We have been taught how to live our lives and have been given guidance concerning every stage.

However, our state is such that we have not fulfilled these commands



[1] Kanz al-Irfān (translation of Quran) part 30, Sūrah al-Abasa, verse 23