Madine Ki Barkatain

Book Name:Madine Ki Barkatain

یٰعِبَادِیَ الَّذِیْنَ اٰمَنُوْۤا اِنَّ  اَرْضِیْ وَاسِعَۃٌ   فَاِیَّایَ  فَاعْبُدُوْنِ (۵۶(

My people who believe! My land is vast, so only worship Me.[1]

In Tafsīr Ṣirāṭ al-Jinān, the following explanation is given:

This verse was revealed regarding the Muslims in Mecca who were weak and faced danger and adversity in revealing their faith. These Muslims were in troubling times. They were ordered by Allah to worship Him, and if they could not do this in Mecca due to circumstances at hand, they were to migrate to the spacious land of Medina for this purpose.[2]

Dear Islamic brothers, Medina is a place of great significance. Allah Almighty has ascribed it to Himself. He referred to it as “the land of Allah” and “My land.” It has also been described by Allah Almighty as a vast land, which is also from its praiseworthy attributes.

Medina and its blessings

O those who love Medina, اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه Medina is a place of untold blessings. Let us listen to some amazing facts about this blissful city.

Everything in Medina is sacred

A particular blessing of Medina is that there are twice the blessings in everything here. It is narrated from the Companion Anas Bin Mālik رَضِىَ اللّٰهُ عَـنْهُ how the Messenger of Allah صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم made duꜤāˈ for Medina as follows:



[1] Al-Quran, part 21, Al-ʿAnkabūt, verse 56; translation from Kanz al-ʿIrfān

[2] Tafsīr irā al-Jinān, para 20, vol. 7, verse 56 of Al-ʿAnkabūt (with amendments)