Book Name:Safar e Meraj Aur Pyari Namaz

was not able to be done in Ramadan due to a certain reason, he proceeded to perform it in Shawwāl.[1]

The excellences of itikāf

The final Prophet of Allah صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم said, “Whoever undertakes a day’s iʿtikāf, seeking to please Allah, three trenches are placed between him and Hellfire by Allah. The distance of each trench is greater than the span between the East and West.”[2]


The Mother of believers, Lady ꜤĀˈishah رَضِیَ اللهُ عَنْهَا narrates, مَنْ اِعْتَکَفَ اِیْمَاناً وَ اِحْتِسَابًا غُفِرَ لَہٗ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِہٖ “Whoever performs iꜤtikāf with faith and whilst hopeful of reward, all his previous sins are forgiven.”[3]


In a Hadith it is mentioned, “Whoever performed iꜤtikāf in Ramadan for ten days; it is as though he performed two ḥajj and two Ꜥumrahs.”[4]

Collective Sunnah itikāf

اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه Dawat-e-Islami is working to spread the call to righteousness across the world. Its Islamic environment is an amazing way to avoid sin, become pious, and attain the blessings of Ramadan. Under Dawat-e-Islami’s supervision, collective iꜤtikāf is conducted worldwide at thousands of places.

Make an intention to spend the whole month of Ramadan in iꜤtikāf, and if this is not possible, then the last ten days. اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه Not only will you be able to avoid sin and perform good deeds, but your zeal for knowledge



[1] Bukhārī, Kitāb al-IꜤtikāf, p. 533, Hadith:2041

[2] ShuꜤab al-Īmān, vol. 3, p. 425, Hadith:3965

[3] Al-JāmiꜤ al-Ṣaghīr, p. 516, Hadith:8480

[4] Al-JāmiꜤ al-Ṣaghīr, p. 516, Hadith:8479