Ala Hazrat Aur Aqidah Khatm e Nubuwwat

Book Name:Ala Hazrat Aur Aqidah Khatm e Nubuwwat

3.   Wherever you were in the day, did you invite others to offer salah?

4.   Did you read or listen to Sūrat al-Mulk at night?

5.   After the five salah, did you at least recite Āyat al-Kursi, Sūrat al-Ikhlāṣ, and Tasbīḥ Fāṭima once?

6.   Have you read or listened to at least three verses of the Quran with translation and commentary from Kanz al-Īmān with Khazāˈin al-ʿIrfān or Nūr al-ʿIrfān? Or, have you read or listened to at least two pages from Tafsīr Ṣirāṭ al-Jinān?

7.   Have you recited some invocations from the Shajarah?

8.   Have you recited ṣalawāt upon the Prophet at least 313 times?

9.   Have you protected your eyes from sin? (By not looking at indecent things on your mobile or elsewhere, movies and dramas, non-maḥram women, etc.)

10.   Have you protected your ears from sin by not listening to backbiting, music, foul and lewd speech, etc?

11.   Did you keep your gaze lowered today whilst walking or travelling and refrain from looking here and there without need?

12.   Did you read a book written by Imam Aḥmad Razā Khān, a book/booklet of Maktabat al-Madina, or the Monthly Magazine Faizan-e-Madina for at least 12 minutes today?

13.   Did you stop talking and discontinue what you were doing to reply to azan and iqāmah?

14.   If something happened that made you angry with someone, did you stay quiet and control your anger, or did you end up speaking out?

15.   Did you fill in the Pious Deeds booklet whilst taking account of your actions?