Ala Hazrat Aur Aqidah Khatm e Nubuwwat

Book Name:Ala Hazrat Aur Aqidah Khatm e Nubuwwat

16.   Did you listen to your nigrān in accordance with the guidelines stipulated by the central executive committee?

17.   Did you speak respectfully with everybody inside and outside the home, be they young or old?

18.   Did you study or teach in Madrassa-tul-Madina for adults?

19.   Did you try to sleep within two hours after the ʿIshāˈ salah congregation?

20.   Did you spend at least two hours carrying out the religious activities of Dawat-e-Islami in accordance with the schedule provided by your nigrān?

21.   Did you wake up others for Fajr salah?

22.   Did you refrain from unnecessarily peeping into other people’s homes?

23.   Did a short lecture (dars) take place in your home? In your absence, did somebody else carry this out?

24.   Did you listen to or deliver at least one Madani dars in the masjid, workplace, or wherever else possible?

25.   Did you dress according to the sunnah? (These clothes must be a colour permitted by the shariah and not glaringly bright or sparkling.)

26.   Do you have long hair according to the sunnah?

27.   Have you refrained from the sin of shaving the beard or trimming it less than a fist-length?

28.   Did you repent immediately after committing a sin?

29.   Did you eat according to the sunnah and recite the pre-meal and